Sunday, 29 April 2012

Corsham Sci-fi day

The R4.P17 has his first public event with the MKG posing in front of the Star wars background for photos. I managed to fit a make shift sound system that seemed to go down well. The Droid still needs a bit more work on him and most important a name. What a brilliant day and the crowds of people were phenomenal.


  1. Was a good day and R4 look the part! :)

  2. I particularly liked R4 as dressed as Obi it looked great and when Dressed as Chewie he looked smart against chewies fur.

    If this little R4 was mine to name i would probably call him Tobi as he does look a bit like Obi's droid and he is "T"op notch for a scratch built budget droid. Impressive he is as Yoda would say.:-)

  3. Of course the numbers and the speed of build he/she could be called "Rapid" 9but maybe not if stationary. :-)
